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Oldest to youngest Lori, Scott, Lecia, Lynette, Bret and Linda |
Monday, July 24, 2017
2017 Lofgren Family Reunion Aspen Grove
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Ginter Family Christmas Letter 2009

Dear Friends and Family,
We hope this letter finds you well and happy during this wonderful time of year. As you make plans for how you spend your time now and in the near future do not forget about the real true spirit of Christmas.
As we contemplate how we’re going to spend our money to buy gifts this holiday season, let us plan also for how we will spend our time in order to help bring the true spirit of Christmas into the lives of others. The Savior gave freely to all, and His gifts were of value beyond measure…He gave us His love, His service, and His life. (President Thomas S. Monson, First Presidency Christmas Devotional, December 6, 2009)
May we all pledge to give more of ourselves now and in the year to come to the service of others. The service we give as a result will be a true gift to our Savior.
Our family has seen many changes this year. Emma (6mo.) was born on June 2nd weighing 8lbs 14.5oz. Thanks to a miracle delivered by Abigail’s Audiologist we discovered that she is profoundly deaf just two days after she was born. As we pondered different options for her therapies and education we felt guided to return to Utah. It was very sad for us to leave Arizona for the land of ice and snow but several things fell into place and we arrived in West Jordan on August 1st. Here is what we have been up to ever since.
Dad was able to keep his job with Pearson and now works from home 5 days a week. He gets to work with Matthew as a Webelos Den Leader and soon after we moved in ended up playing the Scarecrow in the stake production of the Wizard of Oz.
Mom has been busy helping the kids transition to their new school, arranging for and coordinating all the professionals involved in helping Emma, and helping the kids with their new studies. On top of all that she was called as the Activities Committee chair and has already pulled off two major Ward activities.
Abigail (11) is in the sixth grade and is getting way to close to becoming a young woman. She enjoys Acheivement days and loves to baby sit. She was also in the Stake play as an Oz beautician, helping to stuff the scarecrow.
Matthew (10) is in the fifth grade this year and has done a great job keeping up in his studies. He started Webelos in September and he did a great job as the Mayor of Munchkinland in the stake play.
Natalie (8) was baptized this year in our new stake. Relatives came from Las Vegas, Utah, and Idaho to see her baptism. She is doing very well in the second grade and has been enjoying her first year in Acheivement days.
James (5) started Kindergarten this year. He loves his new primary teachers and points them out whenever we see them at a church activity. It has been great to see his personality blossoming as he becomes even more of a big brother to John.
John (2) misses his brothers and sisters when they are at school but has also had some great one on one time with Mom and Dad. He has started speaking in full sentences and has the exasperating combination of persistence, intelligence, curiosity, and fearlessness.
Emma (6 mo.) is the happiest, most easy going child we have had yet. She is always quick with her infectious smile and rarely cries.
We hope your year has been eventful and full of blessings as ours has been.
The Ginter Family
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Things have already started to fall into place. My boss has agreed to let me work from home up there so I will be keeping my current job.
I am sorry the quality of the photo is so poor. We forgot the camera and took this picture of Emma with a cell phone.
Emma Ginter
July 5th, 2009
Almost 5 weeks old.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Healthy Puppies
After all that grief we are VERY happy to announce that they have both recovered and are doing just fine. Here is a video of them hanging out on the hammock with Lori and John.